TGO by CAA organized the training workshop on Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER in Forestry sector and Documents Preparation for Registration and Requesting Carbon Credit Certification

On 18-19 October 2021, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) or TGO by Climate Action Academy: CAA organized the training workshop on Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER in Forestry sector and Documents Preparation for registration and requesting carbon credit certification, Via Zoom Meeting.

In this regard, Dr.Natarika Wayuparb Nitiphon, Deputy Executive Director of TGO delivered an opening speech for the training workshop.
The objective of the training workshop was to build knowledge and understanding in the implementation of the T-VER project, guidelines for calculating carbon credit reductions in the forestry and agriculture sector, as well as preparing documents for carbon credit registration and certification. There were 60 participants from private sector and academic institutions to jointed the training.

We received an honor from Kasetsart University and TGO, also presented on criteria for T-VER project development process, preparation of supporting documents for T-VER project registration and requesting carbon credit certification and methods for calculating the reduction/storage of greenhouse gases in the agricultural and forest sectors.

Dr.Natarika Wayuparb Nitiphon, Deputy Executive Director of TGO








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CAA Climate Action Academy

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