Training workshop on Life Cycle Assessment: LCA


Training Course: Training workshop on Life Cycle Assessment: LCA
Date: 18-20 October 2021
Registration Fee: 10,000 baht/person
Number of Participants: 40 persons
Registration Link:

Registration will be closed on 8 Oct. 64 or when the specified amount is reached. deadline ends, applications will be closed.
* Online training via Zoom system.


– To provide knowledge and understanding of principles life cycle assessment and services
– Focusing on ways to reduce environmental impacts throughout the life cycle assessment and services
– Prepare to be a consultant and verifier of the carbon footprint of product

Important content issues:
1. Principles and procedures for life cycle assessment
2. Determination of goals and scope of life cycle assessments
3. Data collection and preparation of environmental inventory
4. Environmental Impact Assessment
5. Life Cycle Assessment Case Study
6. Practice product life cycle assessment and use of the Sima-Pro program.

Suitable for
-Those interested in doing a consultant and verifier of the carbon footprint of product
– Entrepreneurs with environmental policies/products that are environmentally friendly
– Expert of Academic sector


Scan for Register.




Contact Information:
Invoice and Payment:
Ms. Sithanee Chanpranot
Fax number 02 143 8405

Training Course Information/Registration:
Ms. Wannobon Khuan-arch
Mobile: 081 1322 936
Ms. Onuma Nadsangjan
Mobile: 090 7359 402

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