The training on Introduction on Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER in Forestry sector and Agriculture sector for Validation and Verification Body

The training on Introduction on Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER in Forestry sector and Agriculture sector for Validation and Verification Body


On 31 March – 1 April 2021 at Rama Gardens Hotel Bangkok, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) or TGO by TGO Climate Action Academy: CAA organized the training on Introduction on Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER in Forestry sector and Agriculture sector for Validation and Verification Body.  The objective of the training was to provide knowledge on carbon credit assessment according to the criteria of the Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program: T-VER in Forestry sector and Agriculture sector for Validation and Verification Body. Mr.Kiatchai Maitriwong, Executive Director of TGO and Dr.Natarika Wayuparb Nitiphon, Deputy Executive Director of TGO delivered an opening speech for the training.

T-VER is Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program.  It is the GHG emission reduction program, developed by Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) to promote and support all sectors to voluntarily participate in GHG emission reduction program and can sell the reduction unit or carbon credit, which called “TVER” under this T-VER program, under voluntary domestic market. In this regard, TGO has prescribed rules and procedures for project development, GHG emission reduction methodology, and certification of emission reduction credit.  All projects participated in T-VER program must reduce GHG emission/result in carbon sequestration within Thailand’s jurisdiction.



Mr.Kiatchai Maitriwong, Executive Director of TGO


Dr.Natarika Wayuparb Nitiphon, Deputy Executive Director of TGO



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