Positive trend in Global Efforts to Reduce Future Coal Power


Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G) released a report on the “collapse” of the new coal power plant projects since the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The report states that, in the past six years, 76% of the “pipeline” by forecasted power generation has been cut worldwide.
Leo Roberts, research manager at E3G and a co-author of the report, said: “The 41 countries in a position to commit to ‘no new coal’ can now join those who have already done so since Paris.
The UK is praised for its leadership on the matter, through its advocacy for “consigning coal to history”. The E3G report highlighted: “In 2017, the UK and Canada co-created the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA), with members committing to no new coal plants; ending financing of coal power generation. And the UK has committed to turning off all its coal power plants by 2024.








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